Traditional paradigms in health care continue to treat the disease after it is diagnosed.  Many times preventative models are refused payments by health insurance companies.  Meanwhile, the life insurance companies understand the decreased "risk" of preventative modalities, such as reduced smoking, reduced sugar intake, reduced weight, increased exercise, and other health producing activities.  Our system still continues to focus on reacting to the disease, rather than preventing the disease.  Some major players have made a dent, such as Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona.  In other words, should everyone have a full-body CT and 4 body-area ultrasound for screening.

harrowingly Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, taught that the highest priority of treating a patient's disease is to "do no harm." By not having the disease in the first place, little or no harm can be done…and it is cheaper.

The costs of treating disease is much greater than the cost of preventing it. Think how much cheaper it is to keep from having a heart problem than from paying the costs of coronary care.

Soluble fiber can help prevention models.  Proven benefits of increasing fiber in your diet follows:

Lipid control and improvement

Diabetes control

Weight management

Hypertension control

Coronary heart disease improvement

Cancer prevention assistance

Gastrointestinal and motility improvements.

Fiber can assist in reducing constipation with better bowel regularity.  Hiatal hernia, food intolerances, and hemorrhoids can also benefit from high soluble fiber supplementation.

Limited but more so, almost no probability of risk exists with soluble fiber.  There are no blood tests to do.  No significant toxicity or bad reactions have been reported with fiber supplements when used properly.  No drug-drug interactions occur with soluble fiber.  However, delay of absorption can occur with fiber if take at the same time as your regular medications.  (Talk with your own doctor always before starting any herbal, supplement, new otc medicine or dietary plan.)  No significant side effects exist with fiber consumption.  No legal considerations are linked to fiber use.  Fiber complements alternative therapies to treating disease.

Fiber, especially soluble fiber, promises a preventative health care approach, shifting the traditional paradigm to proactive from reactive.  This shift is from treating disease to preventing disease – from illness to wellness.

In summary:

Traditional health care treats the disease after it shows up.

Changing treatment of disease to the prevention of disease is a paradigm shift in health care.

Dietary fiber supports the prevention of disease, paradigm shift from traditional health care.

How much soluble fiber and the co-existence of major diseases will be discussed in upcoming  blogcasts.  

Now, go and spread the fiber word….


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