where to buy Pregabalin online IDAHO LED THE NATION IN 2006 AND WAS THE HARDEST HIT AREA IN THE USA FOR WEST NILE VIRUS. 996 cases of WNV were diagnosed in 2006 with 171 neuroinvasive type and 825 fever – and 23 deaths. (neuroinvasive = meningitis, encephalitis, neuro complications during and after diagnosis)
As of June 2007, GEM COUNTY has identified the first positive mosquito pool in Idaho.
Hospitals, physicians, health professionals, and labs must report probable and confirmed cases.
http://livingriver.eu/?p=234 The biggest problem in the Northern Idaho region that I talked with Panhandle representatives about is the standing water drainage systems.
It appears that the Planning and Zoning, government maintainence such as roadways, and the health departments are NOT talking to each other. The ground water grassy swales that are imposed are now the breeding grounds for such mosquito populations. This water is stagnant until it filters down through the ground to protect our ground water. The drains typically are set 8 inches above the level of the ground to allow overflow in heavy rains or runoffs, but this is the rub. The swales stay wet. Hopefully all parties will begin to plan for such health disasters at the early stages of future developments. Revising the swales may need to become a priority.
Review WNV and WNV-birdflu-hunting at the these sites: