Whitehall The raging attacks by squirrels continue. You probably read last week where the squirrel attacked three people until a crutch-weapon-carrying elder took the squirrel out. Now my daughter has sent me this….Read on…and I will try to tell the story of WHY my daughter would send her dad this story from her friend…and a shirt last year…."Advice from a Squirrel"…………. lightly

"Yeah… somehow I managed to do just that yesterday. Ok so I was taking some friends up to Robie creek right? Running around, swimming and having a good time.
I was on my way to hike up the mountain talkin to a bud when there it was!This crazy little gopher thing that looked up at me like I had dug up its winter supply of nuts and had them hidden in my trunks. I did what any warm blooded tough guy would do in that situation. I froze. I tried calming it down by talking to it but it would have none of my smooth banter.
So in a desperate attempt to prove my innocents to the creature, dropped my shorts and showed I had not stolen his uhhh… *cough* yeah. That didn't work as I had planned. He came at me with the fury of six rabid spider monkeys. So my buddy and I grabbed the only weapons we had available to us. Pinecones. I'm a good shot with a pinecone, but that little b*%$#* was better. Tagged me right in the ear and I went down like a sack of taters bleeding all over. My buddy took off running and I had to fight it off and crawl back to my car."
creature – 1
me – 0
"Little does that creature know, I play best of 3!"
I dono…..seems like the oxygen supply is down in Idaho….all of Idaho!!!
including the squirrels!~~ foflol!!!!